Delivering real talk while making financial topics more accessible, co-hosts Katie Pickler and Cort Winsett break down personal finance into engaging, bite-sized topics. Join them on their journey to “remove the veil” as they bring a basic level of awareness in a relatable, honest, and pop-culture-fueled format. // Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors // 901.316.0160 | 1135 Halle Park Circle | Collierville, TN 38017 // Securities and advisory services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network®. Member www.FINRA.org / www.SIPC.org, a Registered Investment Advisor // This communication strictly intended for individuals residing in the states of AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, IL, IN, LA, MD, MI, MO, MS, NC, NE, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA, WY. No offers may be made or accepted from any resident outside these states due to various state regulations and registration requirements regarding investment products and services.
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
Episode 129: Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
Happy Thanksgiving from the BullCast crew! In today’s mini episode, Katie, Cort, and Cam talk Turkey Day and debate whether or not its ok to put up Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving. We’ll kick of the show with our list of the best Thanksgiving movies and TV episodes, then we’ll talk about how Christmas seems to be rolling in earlier each year. We’ll wrap up the show with a list of the must-see football games this weekend. We’re grateful for all of our listeners, and look forward to continuing to bring you great content each week. Those aren’t pillows!!!
The List: Best Thanksgiving Movies and TV Episodes
Hashtags of the week: #Thanksgiving #TurkeyDay #CortIsKingGobbler #CamGravy #ThoseArentPillows #StopPuttingUpChristmasDecorationsSoEarly #DoNotNeglectTheMagicOfThanksgiving
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Episode 128: TikTok Made Me Buy It!
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
What better way to follow up our Generation Wars episode than by discussing an app that has taken the younger generation by storm: TikTok. This video-centric social media app, which launched just a few years ago, has over 1 billion active users, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Join Katie, Cort, and Cam as they not only discuss this cultural phenomenon, but also the financial impact it has on users’ wallets. We’ll kick off the show with the list of the top TikTok channels. Then, we’ll dive into some outrageous TikTok statistics and talk about how this mammoth application has such influence over what its audience purchases. It all comes down to two things: marketing and wanting to fit in with your peers. Don’t miss this show as we break down the psychology of online purchases, what consumer behavior looks like on TikTok, and how the internet never forgets.
The List: Top TikTok Accounts
Hashtags of the week: #TikTok #OnlinePurchases #ThirstTrap #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt #Influencers #MarketingIsAGame #TryingToImpressReginaGeorge
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Episode 127: Generation Wars
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Since the dawn of time, generations have been at odds with each other. Whether it be the Baby Boomers patronizing Millennials or Gen-Xers sitting back enjoying the show, these sects (which sometimes seem like cliques) of generations appear to always be at “war.” Join Katie, Cort, Cam, and Nicole as they break down the fascinating generational differences, and discuss the stereotypes that can often make it so easy to razz both our elders and youngsters. From the Silent Generation all the way to Gen Alpha, our hosts will have an open conversation about the strengths and perceived weaknesses of each group. At the end of the show, Katie, Cort, and Cam will participate in a quiz, hosted by resident Zillennial Nicole Ellis, to test their knowledge on Gen Z slang. Don’t miss this bussin’ episode!
The List: Top Pop Culture Events the Year We Were Born
Hashtags of the week: #GenerationWars #Boomers #GenX #Millennials #GenZ #GenerationMe #GenZSlang #MillennialsArentTheProblemItsGenZWeSwear
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Episode 126: BullCast Birthday Banter
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Today is National Cort and Katie Day, and to celebrate our birthday twins, we are focusing on the magic of November 3rd! We’ll start the show with a few lists including celebrity birthdays that are shared with Katie and Cort, famous events that happened on this day, and some very odd holidays. Then, Katie will jump on her soap box about the importance of financial planning. After all, we are a podcast about personal finance. Then, we will turn over the mic to our legal eagle, Cort, to discuss estate planning a charitable giving. It’s a great day to be a November 3rd baby, and we can’t wait for you to tune into this celebratory show!
The List: All Things November 3rd
Hashtags of the week: #BullCastBirthdayBabes #KatieAndCortDay #FinancialPlanning #CharitableGiving #NoShaveNovember
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Episode 125: Adding Horsepower to Bullpower (with Jeremy Bumpus)
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Calling all motorheads! This week, we sit down with a celebrity to discuss car restorations. Join Katie, Cort, and Cam as they chat with Jeremy Bumpus, owner of The Hot Rod Shop and TV host of Motortrend’s Car Fix. We’ll start the episode with some serious torque as we discuss our list of the greatest car movies of all time. Then, we’ll put the pedal to the metal by discussing the exhilarating world of custom cars. We’ll talk about the coolest cars Jeremy has ever worked on, how he landed the role as a TV show host, how he got started in the business, and what motivates him to pursue excellence in the world of high-quality car modifications. Don’t miss this electrifying episode that’s sure to jump start your day!
The List: Greatest Car Movies of All Time
Hashtags of the week: #CarTalk #CarFix #Motortrend #JeremyBumpus #BullCastGuestSegment #FastAndFurious #GoneInSixtySeconds #HotRod #CarRestoration
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Episode 124: How to Survive a Bear (Market) Attack
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
On this week’s bear-centric episode, we're talking about the elephant grizzly in the room: The Bear Market. This year has been tough for all of us with the market roller coaster, inflation, foreign wars, government policy changes, and navigating a post-pandemic world. It’s quite natural to grow uneasy when a market downturn begins to look like it’s here to stay. That’s why, on this episode, we will be discussing our new Field Guide with tips for surviving a market downturn. We’ll start the show with our list of the best bear and bull mascots in sports. Then, we’ll talk about the three steps toward surviving a bear market. We’ll also chat about how the bear and bull markets got their names, why staying calm is key, and how we can be confident that a bull is right around the corner!
The List: Best Bull and Bear Team Mascots
Hashtags of the week: #BearMarket #BearVsBull #FieldGuide #PlayDead #KeepCalmAndCarryOn #TheOnlyBearCortLikesIsAPolarBear
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Episode 123: Bull and Bones (Exposing Secret Societies)
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
It’s officially Spooky Season, and there’s no better way to celebrate than by discussing the secret societies which are shrouded in mystery (cue the eerie music…) Today, Katie, Cort, and Cam will be working their way through multiple lists, exposing what goes on behind closed doors. We’ll start with our list of the best movies that incorporate secret societies into their plotlines. Then, we’ll discuss the well-known and not-so-well-known organizations that have enthralled people for hundreds of years. From the Free Masons to the Illuminati, some of the world’s greatest leaders have participated in these mysterious organizations. Don’t miss out on this spooky good time! And if we mysteriously disappear, tell our families we love them…
The List: Best Secret Society Movies
Hashtags of the week: #SecretSocieties #CruelIntentions #Illuminati #FreeMasons #BullAndBones #WereStartingOurOwnSecretSociety #OurFoundingFathersWereShady #BabysittersClubForMen #CamIsInTheMollyMaguires
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Episode 122: Brasserie Banter (with Chip and Amanda Dunham)
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
This week, we chat with Chip and Amanda Dunham, owners and chefs of Magnolia and May Country Brasserie located in East Memphis. Tune in as Katie and Cort sit down in the charming restaurant with these two talented entrepreneurs for a candid and entertaining discussion on the restaurant business. We’ll start the show with our list of the TV hangout spots we wish were real (we’re looking at you, Cheers!) Then, we’ll discuss the inception of Magnolia and May, the road to opening M&M, the challenges and thrills the Dunhams have faced while running this successful eatery, and everything in between (including what a brasserie is!)
The List: TV Hangout Spots We Wish Were Real
Hashtags of the week: #BullCastGuestSegment #MagnoliaAndMay #Brasserie #RestaurantBiz #Restauranteurs #MemphisRestaurants #MagnoliaAndMayIsKatiesCheers #CentralPerkWontServeCortAlcohol
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Episode 121: BullCast Does Broadway: The Revival (with Caky Winsett)
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
This week, we are jumping back into the limelight by talking more about Broadway. There’s no such thing as too much Broadway, right? Joining us is repeat-guest Caky Winsett, whom you may remember from episode 102. A now-New Yorker chasing her Broadway dreams, Caky will help us break down the lesser-known facts about how these mammoth shows get produced in the Big Apple. We’ll start the episode with our list of the most expensive musicals ever produced. Then, we’ll chat with Caky about “stunt casting” on Broadway, the economics of musicals, how smaller shows are made, and everything in between. Don’t miss our revival on Broadway, y'all!
The List: The Most Expensive Musicals Ever Produced
Hashtags of the week: #Broadway #HowMusicalsGetMade #CakyWinsett #BullCastGuestSegment #EconomicsOfBroadway #StuntCasting #KatieIsTooSophisticatedForSpongebob
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Episode 120: Name, Image, and Likeness, Oh My! (with Nicole Ellis)
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Amateurism has been a part of the fabric of collegiate sports since the NCAA’s inception. However, in recent years, we have witnessed the rise of NIL deals. NIL, otherwise known as Name, Image, Likeness, refers to collegiate athletes pursuing opportunities to make money off of their personal brands. Join us as we sit down with Nicole Ellis to discuss this new landscape in college sports. We’ll discuss the timeline and history of NIL deals and even cover the most unique deals so far. Ranging from $150 Bentleys to custom mustard deals, the current opportunities for athletes to cash in are insane. Don’t miss the show as we talk about the pros and cons of pay-for-play!
The List: Craziest NIL Deals
Hashtags of the week: #CollegeFootball #CollegiateSports #NIL #NCAAFootball #Amateurism #DaColdestDaWarmest #BullCastGuestSegment #SEC #PayForPlay
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com