Delivering real talk while making financial topics more accessible, co-hosts Katie Pickler and Cort Winsett break down personal finance into engaging, bite-sized topics. Join them on their journey to “remove the veil” as they bring a basic level of awareness in a relatable, honest, and pop-culture-fueled format. // Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors // 901.316.0160 | 1135 Halle Park Circle | Collierville, TN 38017 // Securities and advisory services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network®. Member www.FINRA.org / www.SIPC.org, a Registered Investment Advisor // This communication strictly intended for individuals residing in the states of AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, IL, IN, LA, MD, MI, MO, MS, NC, NE, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA, WY. No offers may be made or accepted from any resident outside these states due to various state regulations and registration requirements regarding investment products and services.
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Episode 89: Mining for Crypto Answers (with Andy Wilson)
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
It’s difficult to go about your day without hearing the words “cryptocurrency” or “bitcoin.” What seemed like a trend a few years ago has proven quite the opposite. While many pieces to the crypto puzzle are vague and volatile, it’s important to understand how deep this rabbit hole goes. Join Cort, Cam, and guest Andy Wilson as we take a deep dive into this fascinating and futuristic topic. Andy will help us break down what blockchain is, what makes something decentralized, how an exchange differs from a wallet, and everything in between. This episode is by no means a recommendation to invest in crypto, but we thought it was important to define the crypto terms we hear on a daily basis.
The List: The Craziest Names in Crypto
Hashtags of the week: #BullCastGuestSegment #Crypto #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Coinbase #Decentralized #Blockchain #BoysNightOut #Mining #BabySwap #PancakeSwap
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Episode 88: What’s a Fiduciary?
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Have you ever wondered what the word fiduciary means? This buzzword seems to be everywhere these days but most people aren’t exactly sure what it means. Join Katie, Cort, and Cam as they break down this term and discuss how it applies to financial advisors. We’ll kick off the show with our list of the most manipulative characters in cinematic history – aka those who would be terrible fiduciaries. Then, we’ll jump into the concept of “best interest” and why regulations matter in the world of finance. Join us as we answer important questions like “how do I know if I’m working with a fiduciary?” and “is a robo-advisor a fiduciary?”
The List: Most Manipulative Movie Characters
Hashtags of the week: #Fiduciary #BestInterest #PeelTheOnion #RelationshipGoals #RobotFiduciary #HelpMeHelpYou #ReginaGeorge #BurnBook #WhatsBehindYourCurtain
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Episode 87: The 401(K) Discussion
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
They always say that repeating things multiple times helps you remember, and that’s exactly what we are doing on this episode. You’ve heard us discuss retirement plans many times on the show, but you’ve never heard us discuss the mistakes most people make with them. Join us as we unravel the perplexing yet vital topic of securing your retirement. In the show, we’ll break down Roth versus Traditional, changing your contributions as life changes, taking your 401(k) with you when you leave a job, and everything in between. This is an important episode that will show you how the 401(k) can be your best friend.
The List: Best Songs About Work
Hashtags of the week: #Retirement #401k #Working9To5 #Security #AvoidTheseMistakes
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Episode 86: From Paycheck to Playcheck
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Over the course of your life, you will spend over 90,000 hours at work. That’s a massive chunk of your time! Additionally, in a recent poll, 80% of workers said they hate their job. So, we’re working a third of our lives and, for the most part, are unhappy with our careers? Sheesh, that’s depressing. But cheer up! The BullCast team will help you navigate this career conundrum. Join us as we take a deep dive into dreaming of retirement, choosing to go to work versus having to go to work, and earning that playcheck – the fun money that enhances your life. Shake your office-space sorrow and focus on believing in your abilities and capacity to handle new adventures.
The List: Best Shows About the Office
Hashtags of the week: #Paycheck #Playcheck #TheOffice #Retirement #CareerConundrum
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Episode 85: Under Pressure (Dealing with Stress)
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
We are a few weeks into the new year and there’s one thing that most of us are probably experiencing: stress. Stress with decluttering your home, stress with the pandemic, stress at work, or stress with finances, the list seems to never end. So, what can we do with this burden that is so common to the human experience? Join us to find out! We’ll start the show with the most stress-inducing movies. Then, we’ll unpack ways to be a better, less stressed version of ourselves. Whether that be identifying your triggers, taking a brisk walk, or even jumping into a cold shower, there are many ways to ease your worries. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and push play!
The List: Most Stressful Movies
Hashtags of the week: #Stress #DominoEffect #FinancialStress #PancakesAndWaffles #NewYearNewMe #MentalHealth
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Episode 84: A Financial Focus on Forming a Family
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Katie, Cort, and Cam are taking on the topic of parenthood. Yep, we’re tackling this touchy topic chock-full of challenges, children, and diaper changes. With a wide range of perspectives, our hosts come to the (changing) table with differing opinions on the topic. Join us as we break down the financial impact of starting a family, raising children, and getting them out of the house. Do you need a Scrooge McDuck-esque stockpile of money to have children? Is a financial plan important in the process? Obviously, it’s a deeply personal choice that shouldn’t be taken lightly, but the BullCast team will do their best to help guide you through some important questions to ask yourself when it comes to financially – and mentally – preparing for having children of your own.
The List: Fun Movies About Babies
Hashtags of the week: #Family #Finances #Fububly #KidsAreExpensive #SweatsAndScabiesAndHivesOhMy #StartingAFamily #BabyBoom
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Episode 83: Penny-Wise and Pound-Foolish
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
It’s a new year which means fresh BullCast content for our listeners! When you hear the phrase “penny-wise and pound-foolish,” you may think it’s referring to the infamous clown that haunted Derry, Maine, but that’s far from its meaning. First, we’ll kick off the episode with our top Stephen King movies in honor of Pennywise. Then, we’ll break down the titular, British idiom. Do you scrimp and save on small purchases (like gasoline and groceries), but make big purchases you can’t truly afford (like a new BMW or fancy house?) What are you saving for? What are your priorities? Join us this week as we discuss reducing expenses, researching interest-free payment plans, and melting away regrets by making sound financial decisions.
The List: Best Stephen King Movies
Hashtags of the week: #Pennywise #PoundFoolish #StephenKing #MakeGoodChoices #ReduceExpenses #NewYearNewMe
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Episode 82: So Long, 2021. Hello, 2020 Too?
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
This week, we’re saying “adios!” to another challenging year and welcoming in – what we hope to be – a clean slate in 2022. Join Katie and Cort as they discuss resolutions and why you’ve got to take an honest look at yourself, and your wallet, if you want them to stick. We’ll also give our list of the top movies we’re most excited for in 2022, and wax philosophical about Google Advice, chiseled dad bods, and everything in between. Don’t miss this episode as we say farewell to another interesting year.
The List: Movies We're Looking Forward to in 2022
Hashtags of the week: #HappyNewYear #Resolutions #ChiseledDadBod #2020Too #2022
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Episode 81: Investing in Christmas
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Christmas is almost here! Join us as we discuss some of the investments you can make over the holidays to help your wallet in the long run. From real trees vs. fake trees to installing permanent Christmas lights on your house, Katie, Cort, and Cam debate the little things you can do to save a buck or two. Then, we'll break down some last-minute Christmas ideas that can make a big difference (like donating to someone's 529 account and making a charitable contribution.) Finally, we’ll discuss our personal traditions and favorite movies to watch on Christmas Day. Happy Holidays from the BullCast crew!
Hashtags of the week: #Christmas #Traditions #FakeTreeVsRealTree #WrappedVsUnwrapped #PJsVsDressingUp #SpicyHallmark #TaxDeductions #CharitableGiving
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Episode 80: The Unsung Heroes of Christmas
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
In this holiday episode, Katie, Cort, and Cam debate which unsung hero of Christmas reigns supreme. Join us as we defend our mythical, overlooked protagonists: Mrs. Claus, the elves, and the reindeer. We’ll then discuss the real-life heroes of Christmas who often go unnoticed. From our partners who buy all of the gifts to the employees who make sure you have the missing ingredient for your holiday ham, we thank all those who keep the magic of Christmas alive!
Hashtags of the week: #Christmas #MrsClaus #Elves #Reindeer #BullCastDebate
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com