Delivering real talk while making financial topics more accessible, co-hosts Katie Pickler and Cort Winsett break down personal finance into engaging, bite-sized topics. Join them on their journey to “remove the veil” as they bring a basic level of awareness in a relatable, honest, and pop-culture-fueled format. // Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors // 901.316.0160 | 1135 Halle Park Circle | Collierville, TN 38017 // Securities and advisory services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network®. Member www.FINRA.org / www.SIPC.org, a Registered Investment Advisor // This communication strictly intended for individuals residing in the states of AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, IL, IN, LA, MD, MI, MO, MS, NC, NE, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA, WY. No offers may be made or accepted from any resident outside these states due to various state regulations and registration requirements regarding investment products and services.
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Episode 59: The Olympics
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
There are few things as exciting as the summer Olympics. The pageantry, the unity, the history, the athleticism – it’s the perfect formula for an exciting, two-week event that the entire world fixates on once every four years. This week’s episode is all about the Games of the Olympiad, hosted in Tokyo this year after a covid-related delay. We’ll review quite a few lists in the show including best movies and tv shows featuring the Olympics, historic “goofs,” and best/worst host-city logos over the years. We’ll also dive into the history of the games, uncovering fun facts that you can spout off at your next happy hour. On your marks, get set, tune in!
Hashtags of the week: #TheOlympics #ChariotsOfFire #CamsGotAList #BruceJenner
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Episode 58: Slimming Your Waistline, Shrinking Your Wallet
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Fad diets and exercise crazes are nothing new, but we’ve all seen how jumping on these bandwagons does a number on your wallet. In today’s episode, we’re talking about some of the biggest fitness trends over the decades and how the diet industry hooks customers with various marketing tactics. With a majority of these fads, you are putting your money, faith, and health into a broken concept because of the way these systems are set up. Join us as we hit the track and break down not only common exercise-related expenses but also how you can balance your health and budget without overspending.
The List: Craziest Workout Trends
Hashtags of the week: #FadDiets #SuzanneSomers #MedievalTortureDevices #WeightlossPrograms #HypeDiet #P90X #ViciousCycle #Health #WereJustHousePlants #ExpensiveMemberships #WeightWatchers #AvoidThePoorHouse
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Episode 57: FAANG Stocks
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Sink your teeth into this week’s episode all about stocks. We’ll kick off the show with our list of the best and worst vampire movies because, ya know, fangs. Then, we’ll take a deep dive into better understanding stocks. Are you wanting growth or income? Are you more reserved and like steady movement or do you prefer something more exciting with big ups and downs? There’s a lot to cover, so join us as we talk about what "FAANG stocks" actually are, what “blue chips” are, and what goes into picking the right stocks.
The List: Best and Worst Vampire Movies
Hashtags of the week: #Stocks #BlueChip #VampireMovies #Dracula #SummerVampires #StevenTylerOrFredRogers #Risk #PERatio
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
It’s summertime which means all of you are hopefully getting some much-deserved vacation time! And with this new season, and the changing of the times, using property rental services like Airbnb and VRBO is the hottest craze. In today’s episode, we are answering a question we received through BullMail (Thanks, Rebekah) regarding owning a rental property and adding to your portfolio income. We’ll start the show with some incredible rental properties across the globe, then we’ll discuss the pros and cons of owning and managing rental properties. Posting your property to a rental service like Airbnb and maintaining the property can be a costly endeavor but it can also lead to great additional income. Join us for this episode as we weigh these benefits and risks!
The List: The Coolest Airbnbs in the World
Hashtags of the week: #RentalProperties #Airbnb #VRBO #PronouncedVerbo #Income #TheHoliday #BenefitsVsRisk #InstaInfluencers #OnePercentRule #FiftyPercentRule #renters #JuiceWorthTheSqueeze #OpportunityCost
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Episode 55: What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
An age-old question that we’ve all been asked, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” suggests our childhood passions always turn into our adult occupations. But we all know this is not the case; otherwise, the world would only have police officers, firefighters, astronauts, and paleontologists. The truth is, life is a maze of doors where some are open, some are closed, and some take you to places you’d never imagine. Today’s episode centers around “Boomerang Kids” – children who come back home after college – and why this generation of young adults has a difficult time finding or committing to a career. We’ll break down some impressive statistics about career changes in today’s society and why getting a degree is not always the answer. With the rise of workforce development programs and the destigmatization of trade schools, it’s more important than ever to teach our kids that there are other paths to consider. Join us as we talk soft skills vs. hard skills, taking a “gap” year, high-paying jobs that don’t require a four-year degree, plus much more!
The List: Surprising Careers of Celebrities Before They Got Famous
Hashtags of the week: #WhenIGrowUp #BoomerangKids #Pivot #CareerCarousel #Workforce #BullPenVsRideTheBull
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Episode 54: Father's Day Fun
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
As we approach Father’s Day, we wanted to dedicate an entire episode to the patriarchs in our lives. We are breaking down the history of this holiday and bringing back Twitter Nuggs, reading some of the funniest tweets all dads can relate to. It wouldn’t be a dad-centric episode if we didn’t talk about sports, so Katie and Cort will discuss the sporting industry and the incredible amount of money that surrounds it. We’ll also talk about how much athletes bring in and why so many go broke, despite the big paychecks. It all starts with financial literacy – which is why we do this show – and it is so important to educate our youth on how to handle finances so that they can create a successful future. Tune in to this fun yet thought-provoking episode.
Top 5: Twitter Nuggs for Dads
Hashtags of the week: #FathersDay #Dads #DadBod #Sports #Lowes #ImNotMadeOfMoney #TargetDads #FinancialLiteracy
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Episode 53: BullCast Birthday Bash
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
It’s our birthday! We can’t believe our baby bull is already a one-year-old, and to celebrate this occasion we are having a Bovine Birthday Bash, BullCast-style. It’s been a momentous year for us, despite the unexpected events we’ve all shared, and we sure have learned a lot along the way. In today’s episode, we are removing the glitz and glam by giving our listeners an honest look at how our show is made. From the creation of our weekly episodes to the (sometimes) heated debates behind the scenes, this episode is unlike any other we’ve done. It’s a hilarious look at how the BullCast team juggles their relationships, producing a show, and maintaining their day jobs. We’ll start with a walk down memory lane, listing out the successes – and complete fails – from year one. Then, we’ll break down how this show came to fruition, paint the picture of what our recording space looks like, and what we look forward to in year two. Join us for this fun, candid episode where we take stock of what has happened in a year and look toward delivering even better content in the future. Thank you, friends, for making BullCast your go-to personal finance podcast!
Top 5: Memories from Year One
Hashtags of the week: #BullCastTurnsOne #BabyBull #BovineBirthdayBash #PersonalFinance #BullCastBirthdaySuit
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Episode 52: Power of Attorney
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
We are once again expanding on our conversation about caring for aging parents with this robust episode on Power of Attorney. We’ll start the show with our Top 5 list of best movie/tv show attorneys, then we’ll dive into the ins and outs of this powerful document. Join us for this legal episode as Cort puts on his attorney cap and answers questions such as: What’s the difference between a general POA and a limited POA? What is a healthcare agent’s role? How do I even get a Power of Attorney? We have a lot of ground to cover in this episode which we feel is very important for everyone to hear!
Top 5: Best TV/Movie Attorneys
Hashtags of the week: #PowerOfAttorney #CortIsInSession #GeekModeCort #TigerKing #ItDepends #DeepDive #OrderInTheCourt #LawyerEpisode #MassiveJargonViolation
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday May 27, 2021
Episode 51: Know Your Net Worth
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
In honor of National Be A Millionaire Day, we’re talking about a number that defines every person. No, not your social security number or your credit score. It’s net worth and when you hear it, you probably associate it with the ultra-wealthy. The truth is anyone can calculate their net worth, and it’s a great way to understand your own financial health. Join us as we discuss the millionaires of our childhood versus the millionaires of today, why tracking your net worth is important, and the importance of gaining perspective when it comes to reaching your goals.
Top 5: Celebrity Net Worth That May Surprise You
Hashtags of the week: #NetWorth #ItsAScienceNotAGame #NetWorthFormula #AssetsMinusLiabilities #NicCageBlamesNOLA #HotKnifeThroughButter #MillionaireNextDoor #Save #BeSmart
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday May 20, 2021
Episode 50: Caring for Aging Parents
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
In this week’s episode, we are expanding on our Mother’s Day show by taking a deep dive into caring for your parents. Even though people are living longer in today’s world, it’s critical to have open conversations now about getting a plan in place for when they will need assistance. This may be a touchy subject for some, but it is important to “face the music” and care for those who care for you. We’ll discuss setting goals, researching senior housing/assisted living options, financing it all, and long-term care insurance.
Top 5: “Senior” Movies
Hashtags of the week: #AgingParents #LoveYoParents #LifeIsShort #NursingHome #LongTermCare #Alzheimers #Dimentia #MedicareVsMedicaid
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com