Delivering real talk while making financial topics more accessible, co-hosts Katie Pickler and Cort Winsett break down personal finance into engaging, bite-sized topics. Join them on their journey to “remove the veil” as they bring a basic level of awareness in a relatable, honest, and pop-culture-fueled format. // Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors // 901.316.0160 | 1135 Halle Park Circle | Collierville, TN 38017 // Securities and advisory services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network®. Member www.FINRA.org / www.SIPC.org, a Registered Investment Advisor // This communication strictly intended for individuals residing in the states of AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, IL, IN, LA, MD, MI, MO, MS, NC, NE, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA, WY. No offers may be made or accepted from any resident outside these states due to various state regulations and registration requirements regarding investment products and services.
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Episode 29: The Ghosts of Christmas
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Ho ho ho! It’s Christmas Eve, and Santa has dropped off some early gifts for us (yes, we made it on the “nice” list this year.) With a new mixer and mics, BullCast sounds better than ever as we head into the new year. In this week’s episode, we’ll drop some Yuletide trivia on you. Katie and Cort will also talk about their three Christmas ghosts: Past, Present, and Yet to Come. Our hosts are sharing who their ghosts would be and discussing some fond Christmas memories that have stuck with them over the years. Don’t be a Scrooge this holiday season… Reflect on your past, cherish the present, and look forward to what awaits you in the new year. Merry Christmas from the BullCast team!
Hashtags of the week: #HoHoHo #MerryChristmas #BullCastMini #CamsGotAMic #ChristmasMemories #Scrooge #ChristmasGhosts #PastPresentFuture
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Episode 28: Resolutions
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
As we wrap up the year, one thing is on all of our minds: resolutions. Whether that be hitting the gym, eating healthier, or just bettering yourself in general, resolutions are notoriously hard to maintain. This week, we are starting off the episode with a new segment we call Twitter Nuggs where we read some of the funniest tweets on resolutions. In this episode, we’ll also talk about where the tradition came from, why we make resolutions, and why – for the most part – they fail. Stay strong in 2021 and accomplish those goals you set, friends!
Twitter Nuggs: Top Tweets on Resolutions
Hashtags of the week: #Resolutions #ClosingTime #NewYearNewMe #TwitterNuggs #KatiesHistoryLesson #FinancialSuccess #WriteItDownAndShareIt #SettingGoals #MakeYourGoalsSMART #DontGiveUp #FearAndGreed #ItDepends #FailureIsNotFatal #CortLovesExams
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Episode 27: Charitable Giving
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
If you listen closely, you can hear Santa ringing the bell for The Salvation Army. That’s right! It’s December – the season of giving – so what better time to talk about Charitable Giving? This week, Katie and Cort will be breaking down the psychology behind giving. Yes, it does make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside when we donate, but there is so much more to it. Also, in this episode, we will talk about smart giving (don’t become a charity case when giving to charities!), tax benefits, types of gifts, and the importance of giving. Don’t let that nasty Covid Grinch keep you from giving to those in need this year!
This week's Top 5: Charities Close to Our Hearts
Hashtags of the week: #December #MerryChristmas #Charities #Giving #CortIsTheTinMan #TaxBenefits #CharitablePlanning #NoSantaIn2020 #NoMiracleOn34thStreet #SeasonOfGiving
Read Pickler Accounting Advisors' article on Charitable Giving here
Follow Cort's dog, Augie, on Facebook here
Visit us online: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Tax and accounting services provided by Pickler Accounting Advisors are separate and unrelated to Commonwealth.
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Episode 26: Holiday Stress and Regret
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
It’s finally December, y’all, so you can officially start the Christmas music and festivities! In this week’s episode, we’re talking all about the stress that goes along with this time of year. Why are the holidays so stressful, anyways? A lot of reasons, actually, including gift shopping and the budgeting (or lack thereof) that goes along with it. Take control of the holidays – and your emotions – this Christmas season by listening to Katie and Cort as they drop some wisdom. Learn how to stick to a budget, learn to say “no”, and don’t abandon those healthy habits just because it’s yuletide.
This week's Top 5: Stressful Christmas Movies
Hashtags of the week: #YippeeKiYay #Christmas #Stress #NetflixIsSaltyHallmark #DiggingForClams #DieHardIsAChristmasMovie #HolidayDepressionIsRealYall #SeasonalAffectiveDisorder #KatieIsSheldon #FestiveStress #ChristmasMorningWithDavidPickler #MerryChristmas #Budgeting
Website: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Episode 25: Gobble Gobble, Y'all!
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving, Y'all! Tune in to this mini episode on the drive to your Great-Aunt Gertrude's house. In this "appetizer" edition, we're talking about the only Thanksgiving movie that matters: Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Katie and Cort are also having the Great Thanksgiving Debate where they duke it out over Turkey Day traditions and dishes. May your belly be stuffed, your cup full, and the political conversations kept to a minimum.
This week's Top 5: Breaking Down "Planes, Trains and Automobiles"
Hashtags of the week: #HappyThanksgiving #MiniBullCast #PlanesTrainsAndAutomobiles #ThoseArentPillows #BullCastDebate #StuffingVsDressing #MeatSweats #SweetPotatoesOrYams #PinkTurkey #JustASnack
Website: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Episode 24: Loaning Family Money
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and so is the prospect of family members asking you to loan them some cash. Awkward, right? Well, it doesn’t have to be! This week, Katie and Cort will be discussing this tricky topic with some helpful tools. For instance, treat family loans as a business decision and keep emotions out of the equation! They’ll also be giving you some “safe” topics to discuss around the table such as “in Titanic, could Jack fit on the door with Rose?” Ah, the age-old question (I’ll never let go!) This episode is stuffed, so fill up your plate and dig in!
This week's Top 5: “Safe” Topics to Debate at Thanksgiving
Hashtags of the week: #Thanksgiving #TurkeyDayDebates #Boozegiving #RossOrJoey #Lobsters #EvansOrPratt #PettingTheToiletPaper #LoaningMoney #FamilyDrama #KatiesHistoryLesson #CNote #TheMoreYouKnowWithCort #SheldonsMoneyJar
Featured in this episode: "12 Safe Topics to Debate this Thanksgiving..." >
Website: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Episode 23: Identity Theft
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
This week, we’re talking about identity theft and the real, lasting damage it can cause for victims. In fact, every two seconds a new victim is claimed by this growing problem. Join Katie and Cort as they break down the four types of identity theft, and the steps one can take to protect themselves. Who is the most vulnerable to identity theft? What is the most common form? If I am a victim, how can I recover? Join us for answers to all of this plus more.
This week's Top 5: Movies or TV Episodes About Identity Theft
Hashtags of the week: #IdentityTheft #DataBreach #CortIsARapGod #TheRealSlimCort #HarryPotterIsAnIdentityThief #BlameItOnRyanSmith #TheOneWithTheFakeMonica #IdentityTheftIsNotAJokeJim
Website: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Episode 22: When Bad Credit Happens to Good People
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
We are wrapping up our Debt series with this episode which is all about the woes of having a bad credit score. In the show, we’ll begin by recapping our credit score discussion from way back in Episode 15. Then, we’ll talk about why bad credit happens and key examples of ways you can grow that score! What’s considered a good score? How is a credit score actually tallied? Which debts do I pay off first, and should I just cut up all of my credit cards now? Tune in to find out!
This week's Top 5: Buyer’s-Remorse Scenarios
Hashtags of the week: #BirthdayTwins #Debt #OhMylanta #OhMyLamb #OlderWiserFasterStronger #CreditScore #KatieLovesCostumes #CortHatesBuyingDryers #ConfessionsOfAShopaholic #RelivingPastMistakes #SAD #StopAssessDevelop #DONTKeepUpWithTheJones
Website: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Things are a little bit different for this week’s show. As we quickly approach the 2020 Election, we wanted to do an episode about politics. But when you talk politics, things get heated… quickly. So, how did we solve this presidential predicament? By talking only about pop culture, of course. This week, we are breaking down the best portrayals of U.S. presidents in pop culture. We even take it a step further and have our first-ever BullCast debate where Katie and Cort pit their roster of TV/Movie presidents against each other. Who will win, you ask? Tune in to find out. Cue Hail to the Chief, Cam!
This week's Top 5: Pop Culture Portrayals of Presidents
Hashtags of the week: #BullCastDebate #MadamPresidentPickler #ChiefOfStaffWinsett #HailToTheChief #HappyBirthdayKatieAndCort #TeamScorpio #SpicyBullCast #HarrisonPullman
Click to watch The 2020 Election & Beyond presentation from Pickler Wealth Advisors
Website: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Episode 20: Buying a House (Part 2)
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
This week is our spooktacular Halloween episode where we are continuing our discussion on buying a house. Pretty scary, right?! In part two of our “Buying a House” mega episode, we are breaking down how mortgages work today and the standards that exist because of the Housing Bubble and Financial Crisis of 2008. We also have a guest segment today. Nancy Krahl, Bank Mortgage Officer at Bank of Bartlett, will help us further understand what underwriting is and the key items banks look for when giving you a loan. Tune in to learn about escrow, interest rates, amortization, different loan types, refinancing, and Mortgage Envy.
This week's Top 5: Real Haunted Houses
Hashtags of the week: #BuyingAHouse #Mortgage #Spooktacular #TrickOrTreat #HauntedHouses #HistoricBrothels #BullCastGuestSegment #UnderwriterVsUndertaker #ItDepends #Loan #BePrepared #Refinancing #MortgageEnvy #CapacityCreditCashCollateral #PaymentShock #JumboLoan #KnowledgeIsPower
Website: www.bullcastpodcast.com
Produced by Cameron Spann | Powered by Pickler Wealth Advisors
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com